After Kanye West’s prejudiced remarks about Jewish people made waves on the internet, anti-semitism has been on the rise, with The Washington Post reporting that a majority of Americans Jews are fearful of violence against them. This is why I believe it was important that our next field trip for the Religion Reporting Project was to the Spokane synagogue called Temple Beth Shalom.
Two Moscow churches and a campus ministry at the University of Idaho will sponsor a virtual panel discussion Wednesday, May 19, on the Christian roots of antisemitism and the ways in which all people of faith can respond to it.
In the chaos that was last week, I didn’t get a chance to write a religion wrap-up and I really wanted to give a shout-out to The Spovangelist. Editor-in-Chief Alayna Becker gave us an outstanding review on Sept. 10 and you should all go read it. The Spovangelist gets what we’re all about and we can’t wait to work with them further.
Sometimes the silver screen is more effective than the pulpit.
The narratives found in cinema send strong theological messages, said Matthew S. Rindge, assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University.