Traditionally, in the Christian tradition, Lenten observance has included a variety of practices including prayer, fasting and abstinence, penance and almsgiving. The goals of these practices are to experience spiritual awakening, purification and renewal.
If I wanted to make a resolution (and I do, but they don't usually keep the whole year), I would say: "discipline in prayer." So much of my spiritual life is, like the rest of my life, filled with chaos and unpredictability.
Is it possible to transcend one’s personal beliefs and opinions, and to what end?
In a series of posts, based on a paper I presented recently at the Pacific Northwest regional meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (May 11, Concordia University Portland), titled “Ways of Believing,” I will address this question.
We pray to stay in this sinful world because that’s what we know. We don’t really know who God is and if his kingdom really exists and so forth. We want to be secure. That’s why we have to learn to be God’s “nomad people” — we have to learn to move on in life and leave our securities and trust that God provides. This is a long learning process,which takes sometimes our entire life!