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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: pray

UNDERSTANDING PRAYER: Prayer Is Recognizing The Sacred In Us

Spokane FāVS is publishing a series of columns on the subject of prayer.

If no news is good news … pray

If no news is good news ... then that probably means that the news isn't good.

Most Americans pray for healing

The vast majority of Americans have prayed for the healing of others and more than 1 in 4 have practiced the laying on of hands, a Baylor University expert reports.

Father Knows Best: How do I pray? To whom? For what?

When we are children, we have a willingness to learn by doing, even though that kind of learning almost inevitably yields far from perfect results.

The purpose of prayer is not to get what I want

Does prayer really move God to end suffering, poverty, injustice, abuse, war, and illness?

Father Knows Best: Do you pray?

Anne Lamott argues that there are three “essential prayers”: Help, Thanks, and Wow. Let’s use her categories as a guide for our conversation.

Help me pray

When I lie in bed at night unable to sleep because of the intrusive thoughts that tool around in my head, I want to know that someone, something, hears me, but I’m always met with silence.

I’m not looking to be Julian of Norwich or Joan of Arc.

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