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HomeTagsNirvana and buddhist

Tag: nirvana and buddhist

Meditative Mothering? How Buddhism Honors Both Compassionate Caregiving and Celibate Monks and Nuns

Buddhist saints are often described as maternally compassionate, with the endless patience of a mother who feeds, cleans and cares for children around the clock. In fact, the Theravada branch of Buddhism holds mothers in such high esteem that two men among the Buddha’s chief disciples, Sariputta and Mogallana, are said to be “like the mother giving birth” and “the nurse raising a child.”

Ask a Buddhist: What is Nirvana?

The short answer: nirvana is the state of having eliminated all our disturbing emotions and distorted attitudes so that they can never arise in us again. The long answer...

Nirvana Day is an opportunity to reflect

Today is the day many Buddhist celebrate Nirvana Day (sometimes referred to as Parinirvana Day). This holiday is the day many Buddhists observe the death of Siddhartha Gautama, and consequently his transition into Nirvana.

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