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Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: materialism

Stuff: Do We Have Too Much? Depends on What Kind.

“Stuff” is one of those words in English that has so many meanings it almost defies definition.

Treasures in Heaven

Scripture continually warns us against showing preference to the wealthy. (James 2:2-4) Yet the less-heralded “ism” known as classism runs rampant throughout American Christianity. Nowhere is its presence more glaring than in the so-called Prosperity Gospel.

Say No or Else

My greatest challenge is when I try to say no repeatedly to a person who won’t take no for an answer. I need to learn how to say no politely, kindly and firmly. And in all my years, I have not been practiced at doing so.

Lent Vs. Zappos

I am not my body. I am a spiritual being, a child of God. And yet I am on this material plane – at least for this lifetime.

What are you overly attached to?

In this gospel reading we encounter a man who is deeply distressed about his life. In fact, he is so distressed that he seeks guidance and direction from Jesus. "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Must read