Charlene Strong, a nationally known human rights advocate and member of the Washington State Human Rights Commission, will present a discussion on marriage equality next week at the Gonzaga University School of Law.
Her lecture will be Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. in the school's Barbieri Courtroom (721 N. Cincinnati St.).
Member’s of Spokane’s progressive faith community gathered outside Double Tree Hotel on Tuesday to show their support for Referendum 74, while Rick Santorum spoke against gay marriage at a ticketed lunch inside.
About 15 clergy and 40 lay people came together to demonstrate, through Rally For Love, that not all people of faith agree with Santorum’s views on family and marriage.
After a five-and-a-half-hour city council meeting Monday night, officials were unable to answer the question theologians have been debating for decades: should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?
Tonight gay rights advocates from The Pride Foundation, Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane, Destinations of Spokane and Westminster United Church of Christ will swarm Spokane City Hall, where the city council is expected to vote on resolution supporting gay marriage.