Early on a piecemeal transformation, rooted in socialism, began in order to establish a utopian society. The English playwright and poet Oscar Wilde lauded a societal utopia
Social conservatives on Thursday (May 31) reacted sharply to a federal appeals court ruling that declared the law barring federal recognition of same-sex marriage unconstitutional. The First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judges are "intent on imposing their liberal, elitist views of marriage on the American people,” Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage.
In response to the city council’s decision to table the issue of same-sex marriage in Spokane, a group of activists have organized a flash mob kiss-in at Riverpark Square this weekend.
After a five-and-a-half-hour city council meeting Monday night, officials were unable to answer the question theologians have been debating for decades: should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?