Prayer can help the people left devastated by flooding in Houston. So too can monetary donations, blood donations, and volunteers. Our friends and family in Florida appreciate our prayers. They also appreciate offers of safe places to stay, people to help prepare, donations to organizations that offer support and clean up, and a sympathetic ear.
The very concept of a secular Jew is confusing to many non-Jews, who may hail from faith traditions in which identifying as nonreligious appears antithetical to the identity itself.
The documentary “Sacred Sperm” provides more information on its subject than most non-Jews -- and, for that matter, many Jews -- would probably care to have.
While people often tell me Spokane is very Christian and conservative compared to Seattle, we found it incredibly open and inter-faith-friendly when compared to Oklahoma. The Jewish population is small in Spokane, but, we didn’t feel as ignored or treated with hostility as we did in other more conservative areas.