Luke's Gospel tells the story of a rich man and a poor man, named Lazarus, and how loving one's neighbor provides an alternative to Trump's policies of weath inequality.
In “The Succession of Forest Trees,” an 1860 address to folks attending a county cattle show (precursor to our county fair), Henry David Thoreau proclaimed his “faith in a seed.”
Daniel Aga launched Mighty to Save Ministries after spending several years in jail himself and becoming a Christian while there. He said he had a fire in his "heart to give" what he had received to the those living on the streets of Spokane.
When I assert that Christmas is political I’m not complaining that we’ve lost sight of “the reason for the season.” What I am concerned about is that Christians who consider Christmas a religious festival may not remember how politically radical the commemoration of Jesus’s birthday was from its inception.
I imagine democracy as a one-way freeway headed for the future. The vehicles on that freeway carry inspired concepts such as, freedom of many kinds, inclusion of all persons, equality and justice for all persons, citizenship, civility and mutual respect, consent of the governed, voting rights for all citizens, minority rights and personal and social responsibility.