Eric Sirotkin, an international human rights attorney who works with the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in South Africa and Korea and producer of “Committing Poetry in Times of War” , will present two lectures at Gonzaga University School of Law on Oct. 22.
The film he produced and co-wrote chronicles a high school humanities teacher in New Mexico who was fired for letting his poetry team students express their opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
The Gonzaga University School of Law will kick off the yearlong celebration of its centennial with a lecture by author Scott Turow at 7 p.m. on Sept. 20 in Gonzaga’s Martin Centre.
Turow’s lecture, titled “Where Are You Perry Mason?”, will explore the popular image of lawyers, the power of attorneys in U.S. society, their perceived dark sides and their ideals as reflected in contemporary culture and media, according to a news release.