Which god did you have in mind? The framing of the question contrasts the different view the believer tends to have compared to how an atheist or agnostic approaches the subject.
In Acts 10:34-36 in the Bible, the Apostle Peter answered this question:
“Then Peter replied, ‘I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel—that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.’" (NLT)
Well in one sense, God has favor towards everyone through Jesus Christ because He gave everyone a chance to be reconciled back to him instead of letting sin remain a permanent barrier between both parties. Some people make the argument that God's love is conditional because you have to believe in Jesus Christ but that's not what Scripture communicates.
I don't think God plays favorites. There will be some people (believers and nonbelievers) who think God plays favorites, and it may seem that way sometimes.
The dispute over dropping a beloved Christian song from a new Presbyterian hymnal has widened into a multi-denominational tussle, with Baptists joining the fray.
At issue are various Christian doctrines of the atonement, which attempt to explain why Jesus died and whether his death satisfies God’s wrath over humankind’s sinfulness.