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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tag: gender

What’s gender got to do with it — everything!

Support gender equality in politics: Learn why it's crucial to vote for a woman for president and break the long-standing tradition of male leadership in our country.

A trans soldier in the ancient Roman army?

Although foreign to us moderns, the cinaedus was a familiar figure to ancient Greeks and Romans, whose identity raised concerns about gender.

Father Knows Best: A body at odds with your gender

Yes, being born into a body that is at odds with your gender, a body that makes puberty into a betrayal, is something that happens.

How men benefit from family-friendly tenure policies

As academics, we are well aware that gender gaps continue to exist on American campuses. It is true that female students now outnumber male students, and also that more women earn professional degrees compared to men. But it is also true that only 28 percent of tenured faculty are women.

Ask A Jew: Is God Masculine or Feminine?

In Judaism, G-d is discussed using both masculine and feminine words, with the masculine being used most often.

South Carolina – An Issue of Human Rights

This past year the majority of America has become aware of the transgender community and almost everyone has an opinion on if we or our basic human rights should be respected.

Why women are more religious than men

This question of why women tend to be more religious is one I couldn't resist answering.

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