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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Tag: garden of eden

Hate: Costs and Benefits

In my last post, I introduced an exploration of hate as an idea. We sometimes think of hate as this emotional force that overcomes us. As if we are walking down the street minding our own business, listening to Taylor Swift singing "haters gonna to hate, hate, hate, hate, hate," and like a vampire, coming upon us with a greeting of “good evening,” before launching onto our neck and sucking out our life and turning us into a creature of the night.

SNL Gets Biblical

Lena Dunham, creator and star of GIRLS, is pretty much synonymous with her on-screen nudity, so when she hosted SNL for the first time this weekend, the show parodied her HBO series about 20-somethings in Brooklyn by reimagining it as the most famous nude scene of all-time: the Garden of Eden.

Redeeming Eve, Part 1: Not a Sinner

The story of Eve, our first mother, is too often told negatively. She is often viewed as a foolish temptress who led Adam into sin and brought original sin upon the world.

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