Modern politicians say the founders did not include the separation of church and state in the U.S. Constitution. Historians show why that's a not true.
Explore the metaphor of the rainbow's arc and its connection to the ebb and flow of life. Learn how it symbolizes America's and the author's past, present and future.
Explore America's ongoing journey for freedom, from the Declaration of Independence to the 1964 Freedom Summer. Discover how the fight for equality and voting rights shapes our democracy today. Learn why truth and freedom remain fragile allies in 2024
Lincoln acknowledged “the great task remaining before us,” but predicted “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Black lives, other lives, began to matter. The life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness we all are entitled to had begun to be recognized.
Today, we have theocratic movements that assume a variety of nuances and labels, including Christian Theocracy, Christian Reconstructionism, Christian Dominionism, Dominion Theology, and Theonomy. All are convinced that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and (now) needs to return to her "Christian heritage." Advocating theocratic principles is a mistaken quest to return America to the original vision of the founding fathers.
Democratic parties in four states have recently removed the names of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from their annual fundraising dinners, a move now under consideration in at least five other states.
A separation of Church and State was a cornerstone of their vision for this country, ensuring the biases of the dominant ideology, whichever it might be, could not hinder the State’s ability to effectively govern a nation comprised of many different cultural and religious backgrounds. Our First Amendment rights, which include the freedom of religion, allows us to worship however we see fit. But it also ensures the freedom from religion — an individual’s right to refuse any unwanted religious ideology or denomination.