For many in our region this eating season - between Halloween and the Super Bowl - is exceptionally difficult because they have little to no food in the house.
Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank received over 34,000 pounds of food from the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints last week on Giving Tuesday. In addition to the more than 34,000 pounds donated to SVP, the Church also sent about 34,000 pounds, split by two food banks north of Spokane. One was North County Food Pantry in Elk and the other was the GreenHouse Food Bank in Deer Park.
When Mary Smallenburg, 35, of Fort Belvoir, Va., opened a package from her mother to find cereal and ramen noodles, she burst into tears. Without it, she wouldn’t be able to feed her four children.
Starting Thursday Positive Life Radio will be collecting canned food, nonperishable food items and toiletries to deliver to food banks around the Inland Northwest.