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Friday, February 21, 2025

Tag: facebook

Is emotional contagion the same as theological covenant? Not on your private or public life

What do you get when you combine the recent uproar over Facebook’s manipulation of newsfeed data and the Presbyterian Church’s posture on the issues of same-sex marriage?

5 memes on giving up Facebook for Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent – a season of repentance and reflection leading up to Easter.

That awkward moment…

Perhaps you’ve seen the memes. They begin with “That awkward moment when…” and proceed to describe a common (often funny) awkward moment.

Controversial Facebook page says Jesus Christ should’ve been aborted

On Wednesday, a controversial Facebook page called “Virgin Mary Should’ve Aborted” was unpublished after the social media giant received a number of complaints from Christians who said the page violated Facebook's community standards, the Christian Post reported.

Is digital affirmation taking the place of God?

“I am beautiful; I’m exceptional; and I’m powerful; all because love is inside me calling me to be a daughter of destiny.”

These lyrics from “Daughter of Destiny” on the latest Ginny Owens album sum up the views of many religions.

Did you ‘unfriend’ anybody this campaign season?

Facebook became a political battleground this campaign season.

Status updates, links and uploaded images showed many people's true red or blue colors.

Ditch Facebook, find worship

A few years ago, a young mother posted some political points on her Facebook page. Other people from her church commented both negatively and positively and the whole exchange left the young mother so shaken she left the church. I did not find out what happened until weeks later when I asked if anyone had seen them. Since I really don't keep up with the large stream of information that goes through Facebook, I was uninformed. I missed them.

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