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Monday, March 24, 2025

Tag: evangelical

In New Book, Russell Moore Urges Evangelicals to Stop Lying and Come Back to Jesus

"Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America" was inspired by conversations Russell Moore has had in recent years with disillusioned evangelicals, some of whom he said are feeling a sense of despair at the state of the church and of American culture. The book is part altar call for his fellow evangelicals and part retelling of the surprising lessons he’s learned in recent years.

Spiritual Growth among Evangelicals a ‘Mixed Bag’ New Study Finds

A new national study by Grey Matter Research shows evangelical Christians display a wide range of spiritual growth and maturity with some surprising results.

How Black people and Jews are bound together in ‘great replacement’ theory

The man authorities say opened fire in a Buffalo grocery store Saturday (May 14), killing 10 mostly Black shoppers, was an avowed white supremacist. But his agenda went far beyond Blacks.

Ask An Evangelical: Does God Need Our Help?

Similar to how a parent seldom needs the help of their young child, God as our father doesn’t need us to help him.

Ask An Evangelical: Is God Just?

Other synonyms for “just” Christians can relate to when it comes to God include: blameless, dependable, ethical, fair-minded, honorable, nondiscriminatory, trustworthy and unbiased.

Beth Moore apologizes for her role in elevating ‘complementarian’ theology that limits women leaders

Moore didn’t go quite so far as to say she has entirely abandoned complementarianism. But she no longer sees it as essential.

Ask An Evangelical: Spiritual, not Religious

I would say the ‘spiritual not religious’ lifestyle isn’t a real thing.

Must read