So she and three of her friends from the local Running Start program organized a peaceful demonstration in hopes of uniting a community of togetherness.
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered fresh details of how he would tackle illegal immigration on Saturday, saying he would crack down on those who overstay their visas as he sought to quiet criticism from conservatives.
If you believe that Donald Trump is offering a vision that is bad for America and bad for the world, if you believe that his choices to mock the disabled, to vilify Muslims, and to celebrate torture ought to disqualify him for the presidency, then speak up. Go join those movements that are working to get the vote out.
While the book deals mainly with Trump’s business career, it tackles the GOP candidate’s professed Christianity at several key points in his personal and professional life before concluding, “Trump’s own words are aggressively antithetical to the teachings of the New Testament.”
Donald J Trump gave a typical fire and brimstone sermon for his acceptance speech. His theological perspective was on display in the sermon, though the theological bent was less Christian and more Manichean in nature.