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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Tag: creator

Colville Missionaries Built Native Ministry on Faith, Relationship Building and Storytelling

“Are you willing to kind of jump off a cliff and say yes to God?” Norman asked his wife, Diane, as they sat in their driveway with their three children. Everyone prayed and said they obeyed the call to the mission field. Norman’s friend served in Native American ministry and encouraged the Norman’s to live on a reservation during the summer of 1984, followed by a months-long, cross-cultural training with North America Indigenous Ministries.

Religious or not, many Americans see a creator’s hand

You don’t have to believe in God or identify with any religion to see a creator’s hand in human life and morality, suggests a new survey.

Ask An Atheist: Why do you think there is no creator?

The first is a general philosophical one, does there need to be a creator in the first place?

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