This question is probably best answered by discussing how the creation accounts in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 are interpreted. Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of differences of opinion within Evangelical circles.
We believe that creation is the result of this creative power, all creation is an emanation of this primal force and the “Bing Bang Theory” is as good an explanation as any as to how it happened.
Most of what consumes mankind is invisible - politics, economics, trading value, religion. The thing sought can be made material, but the drive is invisible. Getting and giving, does it reflect worship in truth and spirit of the creative power of light, or the kingdom as a social structure on earth?
Those who want to invoke intention in physical processes are free to do so, but should not think that their "explanation" actually explains anything. If no universe has ever (or can ever) exist where gravity has some other value or properties than what it has, then fretting over intention there is no more helpful than asking why the designer would have made water molecules so they can form into icebergs that can sink Titanics.
We have forgotten the meaning of Genesis 1. The Creationists and their secular, materialistic reading of Genesis has tried to turn the text into a scientific treaty and not what it was meant to be: a story the tells about our relationship to God and nature.