Nathan Conover left Spokane with a full head of hair, a stubbly beard and a wardrobe common to most 23 years old.
Now, just more than a month later, he’s donning white robes and shaved head at Wat Marp Jan , a monastery in a Thailand forest, where he’s serving as a pakow (or anagarika) and preparing to for Buddhist ordination.
On the books the Aki Matsuri Fall Food Festival has been a tradition for the Spokane Buddhist Temple for 22 years. Long-time members say, however, it goes back even farther — to the 1960s when the church moved from a rented apartment to its current location on Perry Street.
Either way, it's been happening long enough to keep Spokanites coming back year after year for Yakisoba Bento Boxes, Fotomaki Sushi, Senbei (Japanese crackers) and other traditional Japanese menu items.
This summer young adults ages 18 to 29 can explore the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism within Western at Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastic community...