During Sept. 21 - 28, as part of the Festival of Arts in West Central, Pastor Eric Blauer of Jacob's Well Church will be hosting the Phone Pix Urban Liturgy Art Project and is seeking submissions.
"The Phone Pix ‘Urban Liturgy” Art Project is an outgrowth of my last six years of living on mission as a church planter, family man, artist and urban vagabond in East Central Spokane," he said.
An upcoming CBS interfaith special titled, "Food, Faith & Culture" will explore the deep connection between food and faith in world religions. When I first saw the headline I was excited to see a high-profile exploration of this topic.
Today favs.news was featured on ProgressPlanet.com.
Tracy Simmons is the editor and community manager of favs.news, an online resource for non-sectarian coverage of religion and spirituality in the Spokane, WA area.