Around the same time the YouTube trailer sparked violence in parts of the Muslim world, Harvard Professor Karen King disclosed an ancient papyrus in which Jesus supposedly said “My wife …”
Christians believe Jesus was never married and the insinuation that it might be otherwise could have seemed sacrilegious to a vast number of Christians.
“Being Buddha at Work” is a promising book, but it loses its balance early and never recovers. That’s a shame because the question which it authors, Franz Metcalf and B.J. Gallagher, set out to answer is an important one: what does it look like when our deepest values are thoroughly integrated into our work?
On the surface it would seem that technology is helping our faith. We are able to connect through email more easily and often than with traditional snail mail. It is a greener form of communication and certainly less expensive.
Christians were among one of the first to utilize the new technology of codex to get their message out. Christians have since been a faith that used the the latest technology to get the Gospel out.
Technology is greatly helping my faith, and here are just a few of the ways, big and small, in no particular order, that we love technology:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon/LDS) is big time into genealogy/family history, and you can imagine how computers and the internet have helped that work.