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HomeCommentaryI am afraid: A faith-based warning about moral decline

I am afraid: A faith-based warning about moral decline


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I am afraid: A faith-based warning about moral decline

Guest Column by Rev. Mary John Dye

I. Am. Afraid.

I am not just worried. Or apprehensive. Or uneasy.

I am afraid.

I am writing about my fears because, in my heart, I believe they are shared fears. I may be wrong. I have learned I can be wrong about a lot of things. What I am sure is that my fears are not partisan fears. My fears are born directly from spiritual principles that are — and, until now — have been shared across people of Christian faith. These spiritual principles provide the framework for life together that has given our lives stability and structure. When our country is great, these spiritual principles are prized and practiced. I see no way our country can ever be great by demolishing these spiritual principles.

Why I am afraid

I am afraid because I believe the spiritual teaching of my lifetime — and through our history — matters immensely, and these principles have been shattered by some, dismissed by many and ignored by others. I am afraid there will be very costly consequences to ignoring the fundamental morality of how we interact.

All the lies

I am afraid when the leaders and many voters have no regard for the truth. The president-elect does not lie occasionally by mistake. He lies consistently and with intention. He lies about things that are verifiably false. He lies about big things as well as small things. He lies openly, repeatedly and unrepentantly. He supports and encourages falsehood in other individuals who he elevates and organizations that spread misinformation.

Christian faith tells me that lying is wrong and shows a fundamental lack of integrity. Life is unpredictable enough when leaders are honorable. History tells us that even the most honest and mature leaders make mistakes. I am afraid when leaders have no regard for truth. And I am terrified when people are willing to ignore the constant lies. Even worse, they defend the one(s) who lie.

Everything I know about Christian faith says that lies cause damage and destruction. I am afraid of the pervasive atmosphere of lies in our country. I am afraid of leaders who lie as naturally as breathing. I am afraid of people who don’t care or correct lies.

Whether they have changed their mind that lies are wrong (which is horrifying) or are not brave enough to stand up for truth (which is sad), I don’t know. I am absolutely certain that lies are moral corruption for an individual, a family or a nation. We cannot be inundated with a tolerance of falsehoods without negative consequences.

The continuous disparagement of others

I am afraid when leaders model and encourage constant insults and belittling of others. I am afraid when leaders — and others — declare that anyone who disagrees with them is an “enemy.” I am afraid when leaders – as individuals and groups — believe they have a blank check to slander, demonize and gaslight others who disagree with them. This constant cycle of insult and belittling — usually riddled with falsehoods — is bullying. It is the worst possible example for our young people. Constantly insulting and putting others down — or cheering for those who do — only reinforces and deepens the divisions that are tearing our families and communities apart.

Everything I know about Christian faith says it is wrong to mistreat people in the way that has now become common political practice. The Golden Rule forbids it — along with countless other biblical teaching. No one — for any cause — gets a free pass to slander others. Not in the framework of Christian faith. I am heartsick about the damage it has already caused, and I am afraid, genuinely afraid, of what will unfold with leaders — and people — who have adopted this unchristian way of living.

The quality of your character doesn’t matter

I am afraid to live in a country where character no longer matters. Not only is bad behavior not a problem for people in choosing their leaders. Felonies are no concern. Sexual assault convictions, fraudulent business practices, repeated and unrepentant infidelities are now, apparently, generally accepted. And acceptable. These are not people who made mistakes, took responsibility, said they were sorry and turned their lives around. We are now led by people who have a lifetime of predatory, criminal sexual behavior, business fraud, insulting and bullying others and lying. I am not just worried. I am afraid.

Everything I know about Christian faith says that character matters. Everything I know about Christian faith says that our leaders have out-sized impact — not only on actions but also on shaping attitudes of people of all ages. Especially young people. I am grieving — and afraid — for them to grow up believing that this lack of character equates to success in this country.

The idolatry of wealth

I am afraid that our country has elevated financial wealth with success. And, more tragically, too many have equated wealth with wisdom.

Everything I know about Christian faith tells me that wealth brings a spiritual liability — a powerful, enticing susceptibility to terrible judgement and misuse of power. Wealth is absolutely not equated with wisdom and, in fact, according to Jesus, great wealth is a detriment to the spiritual life. Jesus taught more about money than any other subject. And his message is consistent: wealth is a hindrance to those who have it. Sadly, wealth is an obstacle to the humility, love for others and service that is central to being a follower of Jesus.

Wealthy people are not automatically tone-deaf to the needs of others. But when people have had wealth handed to them as a way of life — as many of our current leaders — they have to work very hard to understand and have compassion for others. In Christian terms, the test of wealth is seen in the attitude of those who have money: are they self-absorbed with making more money? Do they use people to make more money or do they help people in need? Do they have attitudes of humility or arrogance? Do they think they are more important than others?

Right now, the people who are in positions of governance exhibit the worst of the corrosive effects of wealth. I am not just worried. I am afraid. Too often, wealth makes them insensitive, unkind, callous, uncaring and, when the rubber meets the road, ruthless. Self-absorption with wealth is idolatry. Violating the first commandment leads to destruction.

The lack of accountability

I am afraid for our country when we have leaders who do not believe they are accountable for their actions. It is a dangerous place to be to have leaders who openly flout accountability, who cannot see or admit they make mistakes. That is a prescription for disaster.

Everything I know about Christian faith tells me that we are all sinners. We all make mistakes. We all need to reflect, repent and repair where we have hurt others. People who cannot — or will not—do that are inevitably going to make mistakes — and, in their foolish pride — never learn from their mistakes. I am afraid.

I am afraid when I see the basic standards of Christian faith discarded. If our Christian foundations ever mattered — as we have taught, lived and preached — a tragic unfolding of pain is about to happen right before our eyes. I hope I am wrong. I am sure in my soul that abandoning Christian principles will have profoundly negative consequences.

This column was original published in United Methodist Insight.

The views expressed in this opinion column are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of FāVS News. FāVS News values diverse perspectives and thoughtful analysis on matters of faith and spirituality.

Mary John Dye
Mary John Dye
The Rev. Dr. Mary John Dye is a retired clergy member of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church.

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chuck mcglocklin
chuck mcglocklin
13 days ago

“I am afraid when the leaders and many voters have no regard for the truth.” Why???
Since when has “truth” been something the world values? Satan, the god of this world, is a liar and the father of lies.
You continue on with “All the lies” that the world liars lie as if you expect them not to do what their carnal human natures (selfishness) commands them to do.
You repeat “Everything I know about Christian faith tells me” ….
I agree with you … IF … I expected people that say they are Christian to act like Christ, even when they refuse to follow in His footsteps.
I agree with you … IF … I expected humanity to be able to solves its problems without God.
I agree with you … IF … I had no God that I know follow and trust.
But I don’t.
Christians value truth, but that is because they are dead. Self has died and Christ now lives in them, Gal 2:20, 5:24, Jer 9:25-26. We have left the world but pray and work for the salvation of those in the world. All of them. Not just the ones we agree with.
THAT is how we change the world, one soul at a time. We make disciples that “come out of the world”, change their lives, change their thoughts, change their actions because they are dead to self, yet alive and eager to change the world by showing others the love, peace and joy that comes from truly serving.

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