Nontheism has seen a tidal wave of growth in the past decade, due in large part to the Internet. The ability for nontheists to find one another, share ideas, and form communities — both online and in the real world — has been a boon for us.
The Spokane Secular Society (S3) uses the website as our primary tool to reach our members. It allows like-minded people to find us, see what we're up to, and connect with others in a meaningful way. The tools provided by the site also allow us to meet in real life, further strengthening our connections with each other, and building our local community.
When I first started the S3, a surprising number of people said, “I felt like I was the only person in Spokane who thought this way!” Now our Meetup membership has reached nearly 300 nontheists. This ability to use technology to share our ideas, and more importantly, connect with and engage one another, has definitely changed the face of nontheism for the better.