In a reminder that bad decisions on abusers aren’t limited to theCatholic ChurchorPenn State,Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schorisaid she ordained a former monk as an Episcopal priest even though he was booted from the abbey for improper contact with a minor. KJSsaystheRev. Bede Parryseemed to have “demonstrated repentance and amendment of life.” Now, however, it looks like there are quite a few skeletons in Parry’s closet, andtongues are waggingthat KJS either overlooked them, didn’t know or didn’t ask enough questions. From the Dept. of Separate but Related, 3 in 4Australianssay theabuse of minorsis their biggest stumbling block in their views of Christianity. TheCalifornia Supreme Courtgave the OK for backers ofProp 8to defend it in a federal appeals court after California’s governor and attorney general took a pass. Read full post here.