YOU make SpokaneFāVS possible.
Your tax-deductible contribution to SpokaneFāVS ensures that we can continue reporting on religion, ethics, and spirituality in the Inland Northwest and beyond, and keep the conversation going both online and in person at events like Coffee Talk and Meet the Neighbors.
Quality journalism isn’t free. And while we are currently staffed entirely by part-time volunteers, we have bills to pay every month, just like you – our bookkeeper, server and other website fees, parking fees during interviews and meetings, office supplies, advertising and marketing, business expenses, conferences and membership dues, the list goes on. They may not seem particularly glamorous, but these services are absolutely essential to the continued success of SpokaneFāVS.
For example, $25 a month would cover our web hosting expenses for the year. And $50 a month provides a big chunk of our advertising budget, or helps pay for the journalism we strive to do. Over the course of a year, just $10 a month – the cost of a couple of lattes – adds up and makes a difference.
Become a “FāVS Faithful” by setting up a recurring monthly donation today! It’s easy for you and easy for us. Simply select your level below, or choose your own amount, and it will be automatically deducted via Paypal each month.
Every donor will receive a FāVS sticker so you can display your support proudly and will be acknowledged publicly on our donor page. FāVS totebags are available for those who pledge at least $25 a month, and donors at the $50 level and above will receive an invitation to an annual event exclusively for them. For information on corporate donations and benefits, please contact Tracy Simmons at [email protected].