It’s already almost Coffee Talk time again. At 10 a.m., Saturday, our panelists will lead a discussion at Chairs Coffee about Money & Ethics.
Panelists will be the Rev. Deb Conklin, Anna Marie Martin and Laura Stembridge. Check Spokane Faith & Values this week for their posts on the topic.
Though not on the panel, some of our writers have already written about the topic:
- “Why the economic system in the U.S. no longer works“
- “Income inequality: The real economic problem“
Then, on Oct. 21 join us for our next Spokane Faith & Values mixer. It’s an informal time for SpokaneFAVS readers and writers to chat and talk about community, theology and whatever else comes up. The mixer will be from 5 to 7 p.m. at NoLi Brewhouse, 1003 E. Trent Ave. #170.
Hope to see you at both these events.