38.6 F
Monday, March 3, 2025


Conservative United Methodists say divide over sexuality is ‘irreconcilable’

Will the United Methodist Church soon have to drop the “United” part of its name?

More Americans willing to vote for an atheist president

WASHINGTON (RNS) Although most Americans still say they wouldn't vote for a godless candidate, the tide is shifting.

The 12 best Catholic quips from Stephen Colbert, the ‘pope of basic cable’

Stephen Colbert quips about the pope and the Catholic church.

Ramadan fast poses challenge for Muslim Olympians

Winning an Olympic medal is hard.
Surprisingly, winning one when you’re fasting for Ramadan is not that much harder.

Not just chess: Atheists are organizing high school clubs, too

High school kids can join the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Jewish Student Union, the Muslim Students Association and, in some schools, a Hindu or a Buddhist club.
Now they can join the young atheists club, too.

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