41.8 F
Monday, March 3, 2025


The State of American Fatherhood

I had a particular interest in this panel because I grew up in a single-parent home. My dad walked out when I was...

Muslims in America

Like it or not persecution is part of America's narrative. Over the years we've discriminated against blacks, women, Jews, Catholics, gays and now we've...

Concert at Liberty Park UMC

If you appreciate live music then you might want to visit Liberty Park United Methodist Church this weekend. John Nilson, who performs instrumental jazz,...

Islam, megachurches, polygamy – oh my!

Tomorrow I'm headed to Durham, N.C. for the annual Religion Newswriters Conference and this year's program is looking to be extra exciting. I've been...

Finally, some vegetarian options

Dear grocery stores, vegetarians eat more than just black bean burgers. Each week I visit the Safeway up the street from me...

Targeting Hope Workshop coming to Spokane

Whitworth University and World Vision are teaming together this fall to fight poverty and injustice issues in the Spokane area. The Targeting Hope day-long...

Christ Kitchen helps struggling women

Before this morning, I didn't know much about Christ Kitchen. All I knew was that it was an organization designed to helpSpokane women...

Must read