Today until 5:30 p.m. a handful of women from across Eastern Washington will be fasting at Riverfront Park to demonstrate to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers that “she must act immediately to end family separations and bring fair immigration reform to a vote in the House.”
OneAmerica, Mecha and SEIU are joining in the day of fasting to support comprehensive immigration form. This is one of dozens of coordinates women’s actions taking place in 20 states across the U.S., as well in Mexico City, according to a press release.
“The actions will demonstrate women’s hunger for reform as well as their political power: women and children make up three-quarters of all immigrants, women make up the majority of the electorate, and an overwhelming majority (nearly 70 percent) of women support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship,” OneAmerican reports.
That isn’t a fast. That’s a hunger strike. If they would enforce immigration laws – yeah, actually enforce the laws – there would be no separation of family members. They would all be together back where the came from.