Want to do more this Lent than lose a little weight or quit a bad habit only to go back to “business as usual” on Easter?
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will be hosting an Ash Wednesday Silent Day of Prayer on March 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is titled “Give Up or Give In” and will be directed by the Rev. Philip Garcia, OFM.
This Silent Day of Prayer will begin with the Rosary, include two conferences, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Mass and will conclude with Adoration.
Garcia, born and raised in San Francisco, has been professed for 46 years in the Franciscan order and ordained to the priesthood 34 years. His background in parish work, spiritual direction, hospital and hospice service and retreat ministry amply prepare him for his present work of chaplaincy to the Poor Clare sisters, to whom he ministers in Spokane.
Tickets may be purchased here. The cost is $38 per person, or $48 with the use of a private room for the day. For more information contact Sister Mary Eucharista, 509-448-1224, ext. 109 or [email protected].