Become a FāVS Sponsor

Fā offers individuals, organizations and businesses compelling options to engage our mission-driven audience through sponsorship.

First, is reader sponsorship. FāVS News is a vital source of local journalism that keeps our community informed and engaged. Unlike many news outlets, we operate as a non-profit and provide our content entirely free of charge – no paywalls or subscriptions required. However, producing high-quality reporting and insightful analysis requires significant resources. By becoming a monthly donor, you’re investing in the future of independent local news and sustaining a precious community asset. Every contribution makes a real difference.

Display Ads

IAB standard ads commonly refer to a set of the three most common ad sizes: 728×90 (leaderboard), 300×250 (medium rectangle) and 160×600 (skyscraper). Rectangle and skyscraper ads are placed on the right rail. All three ad sizes can be placed in three central, middle spots on the homepage.

Display Ad Pricing

Leaderboard and Skyscraper: $100 per month, per placement

Medium Square: $75 per month, per placement

10% discount if purchased for six or 12 months at a time.

Sponsored post

A sponsored post is paid content that enables brands to publish articles on a media outlet’s website. Designed to resemble the outlet’s editorial style, it allows brands more control over messaging than display ads. Do follow links are included. Sponsored posts on FāVS must be about faith or ethics and must be labeled as sponsored.

Cost: $50 per post.

Press Release Distribution

Publish your press release now through our powerful content generation and distribution platform. Our most popular $100 plan includes

  • Full Text Announcement
  • Published Same Day
  • Logo Placement
  • Customer Support
  • Optimized for Google Search & Google News
  • Content Generation Assistant

More information can be found here.

Demographics of FāVS Readers

On average 27,016 readers viewed FāVS.News monthly in 2023.

The top three U.S. cities visitors came to the site from were: Seattle, Spokane and New York.

In house surveys show that our readers are a mix of clergy, educators, worshipers and former-worshipers.

Ready to Get Started?

Email Editor Tracy Simmons at [email protected]

Discounts are available to FāVS columnists and monthly donors.

Review Sponsorship Policy.