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Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Conversation

The Conversation is a collaboration between editors and academics to provide informed news analysis and commentary.

Does the First Amendment protect religious freedom laws?

Business concerns aside, the question raised by this spate of recent legislation is: where does religious liberty end and the liberty of those affected by religious liberty begin?

Why so many Americans think they’re #blessed

Bowler recently wrote a book – Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel – that has been hailed as the first monograph tracing the history of the prosperity gospel in America.

Eco-authenticity: advocating for a low-carbon world while living a high-carbon lifestyle

George Marshall, in his book Don’t Even Think About It, describes the inner conflict, depression and guilt that many scientists feel “as they struggle to square what they know about the impacts of high-carbon lifestyles with the pressure to conform to a society where those lifestyles are not just encouraged but also often required as a mark of social belonging.”

Brussels attacks: how radicalization happens and who is at risk

As they recover from the shock of the attacks, people are asking why this happens, and who the people carrying out these suicide missions are.

U.S. is a land of plenty, so why do millions of Americans still go hungry?

The latest figures show almost 6 percent of households – about 18 million people – are consistently not getting enough to eat.

When good intentions aren’t supported by social science evidence: diversity research and policy

According to claims in the mainstream media, the effects of gender and racial diversity are universally favorable

Pope versus Trump: Catholics in the US are politically homeless

That Pope Francis was so forthcoming isn’t just a bold move to chastise Trump – it’s a break with the Vatican’s usual approach to electoral politics, which is typified by a reluctance (in the extreme) to get involved.

Must read