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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Scott Kinder-Pyle

Scott Kinder-Pyle identifies as an ordained pastor in Presbyterian Church (USA), and has served as an adjunctive professor of philosophy, religion and literature at Eastern Washington and Gonzaga universities. Scott is a poet and the author of There’s No I in Debris—Except this One! In 2020 and 2021, he served as a resident chaplain at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, and has subsequently worked for Kindred and Gentiva Hospice as a Board Certified Chaplain [BCC], accountable to the Association of Professional Chaplains. Most recently, Salem Lutheran Church of Spokane’s West Central neighborhood has welcomed Scott as their interim pastor. He’s married to Sheryl going on 36 years, loves his children, Ian and Philip, enjoys films like Adaptation, ponders painting in the near future and appreciates the thinking of Emmanuel Levinas.

A Tale of Two University Campuses and the Glory of God

It’s a provocative question, to say the least. It’s convoluted. It seems contradictory. And it’s bound to create chaos in the average philosophy and/or religion classroom. Okay, here’s the question: Are you willing to go to hell for the glory of God?

God and Evolution: A Response to Greta Christina

On Greta Christina's Point No. 1, that the process of evolution is without direction and therefore "God" would not direct, I would say that a creator-deity would be involved, to the extent that Existence Itself is summoned into Existence and that may mean a multiplicity of universes and that we happen to find ourselves in one of these, where there is terrible suffering and brutality.

Is Christianity an infomercial, or a spider web conversation?

I’ve been asked about the connection between “belligerent evangelism” — the 19th century kind that may have been practiced by Presbyterian missionary, Henry Spalding — and the monstrous issue of “commercialism and the commodification of the Gospel” that may or may not plague the North American Church today.

Thunder Eyes (Revisited)… On The Emmaus Road Through A Nez Perce Reservation

Many moons ago, but not nearly as long ago as the events recorded in Luke’s Gospel, men, women and children gathered along the river valleys of the Snake and the Clearwater in what is now Idaho, Oregon and Washington state... and they discussed Jesus.

Is emotional contagion the same as theological covenant? Not on your private or public life

What do you get when you combine the recent uproar over Facebook’s manipulation of newsfeed data and the Presbyterian Church’s posture on the issues of same-sex marriage?

America: The Beautiful Dialogue

When I combine thoughts of patriotism and religion I think of Neanderthals. I think of the trajectory of human evolution.

Anticipating a ‘Contingent’ Union at Gonzaga

Gradually, other contingent faculty members strolled in. I could tell they were contingent by the way these individuals seemed to stare at the floor, as if someone might pull the rug out from under them in the twinkling of an eye.

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