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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Nick Gier

Nick Gier lives in Moscow, Idaho. He holds a doctorate in philosophical theology from the Claremont Graduate University. His major professors were James M. Robinson, New Testament scholar and editor of the Gnostic Gospels, and John B. Cobb, the world’s foremost process theologian. He taught in the philosophy department at the University of Idaho for 31 years. He was coordinator of religious studies from 1980-2003. He has written five books and over 70 articles and book chapters. Read his articles on religion at nfgier.com/religion. He's enjoyed two sabbaticals and one research leave in India for a total of 22 months in that country. He can be reached at [email protected].

India Is One Step Closer to a Hindu Theocracy

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former President Donald Trump are hyper-nationalists and Islamophobes. Both push fear-driven campaigns based on historical grievances and aversion to foreign religions and ethnicities. A militant Hindu monk has been elected to lead India’s largest state, and he is rabidly anti-Muslim.

Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem Did Not Celebrate Christmas This Year

Because of the war in Gaza, there was no Christmas in Bethlehem this year. Leaders from all the Palestinian churches cancelled public celebrations. There was no Christmas tree, no decorations in Manger Square, no Christmas parade and no Baba Noel delivering gifts to children.

Let’s Follow Jefferson’s Lead and Redact the Bible

Some Christians admit that there are stories in the Bible that are not appropriate for children. They do not, however, suggest ways to keep youth from reading these accounts of sexual violence and other atrocities. I suggest that these passages be redacted just as Thomas Jefferson deleted parts of the New Testament.

The Evil in This World: Divine Power, Freewill & Evil

In his book “Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes,” process theologian Charles Hartshorne argues that the doctrine that God causes all things and events is a projection of the worship of all-powerful rulers. Alfred North Whitehead, the other great process philosopher agrees: “The deeper idolatry, of fashioning God in the image of the Egyptian, Persian, and Roman imperial rulers, was retained. The Church gave unto God the attributes which belonged exclusively to Caesar.”

Racial Reparations: Faith Communities and Political Action

In their infamous booklet "Southern Slavery as It Was," Doug Wilson of Moscow Idaho, and Steve Wilkins wrote: “There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world.” The clear implication of this statement (yet to be retracted) is that Americans owe nothing to the descendants of these happy plantation workers.

The Amazing Story of Mary, Christian Goddess

"The Infancy Gospel of James," though not part of the canonical Bible, was popular among Christians for centuries. The book tells the story of Mary from her miraculous conception to the birth of Jesus. Some details differ from the accounts in Luke and Matthew.

Japanese Zen Buddhists Cheered Attack on Pearl Harbor, Making Dec. 7 a Holiday

It is painful to think that so many Buddhists, following a religious leader as opposed to war as Jesus Christ, cheered the attack on Pearl Harbor 81 years ago, but, sadly, it is true. Zen Buddhist priest Hata Esho declared, “It is exceedingly wonderful that in 1941 we were able to make this very day (Dec. 7) a holy day for eternally commemorating the reconstruction of the world.”

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