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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Neal Schindler

A native of Detroit, Neal Schindler has lived in the Pacific Northwest since 2002. He has held staff positions at Seattle Weekly and The Seattle Times and was a freelance writer for Jew-ish.com from 2007 to 2011. Schindler was raised in a Reconstructionist Jewish congregation and is now a member of Spokane's Reform congregation, Emanu-El. He is the director of Spokane Area Jewish Family Services. His interests include movies, Scrabble, and indie rock. He lives with his wife, son, and two cats in West Central Spokane.

Ask A Jew: Doctor, lawyer or failure?

I suspect the stereotype that Jewish parents urge their children to take up medicine or law relates in some way to an even older stereotype: that Jews value money above all else.

Ask A Jew: Do Jews Hate Germans?

I recognize that not every Jewish family has the fond feelings toward Germany that mine does.

Final frontiers: “Conversion therapy” and “Star Trek”

The Outcast,” comes across as quite forward-thinking for 1992, when it first aired. The episode not only deals compassionately and thoughtfully with matters of gender identity — hardly a buzzword in early-’90s America — but also makes a powerful case against “conversion therapy,” the widely discredited practice of trying to “convert” gay or lesbian counseling clients to heterosexuality.

Witch hunts and scapegoats: The eerily relevant world of “The Witch”

What “The Witch” drives home is that humans, even those with strong faith in God, are often unable to recognize that their perspective is clouded by bias rooted in fear.

Ask A Jew: What do Jews think of Iranians, both in history and today?

If we are going to think about Iran from a Jewish perspective, it’s at least worth separating the president from the populace.

Ask A Jew: Where can I get a mezuzah in Spokane?

I know some Jews feel strongly that only Jews should hang mezuzot in their doorways.

Ask a Jew: Do Jews mix socially with other religions?

The vast majority of Jews I know have plenty of non-Jewish friends, just as I do.

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