35.3 F
Monday, March 17, 2025

Matthew Sewell

Matthew Sewell, a Denver Broncos fan and amateur Chestertonian, loves golf, music, truth and good food. A lifelong Catholic, he graduated from a Catholic college (Carroll College; Helena, Mont.) but experienced a "re-version" to the faith during graduate studies at a state school (N. Arizona; Flagstaff, Ariz.). Irony is also one of his favorite things. He and his wife currently reside in Spokane, though they're Montanans at heart. He blogs at mtncatholic.com.

Ask a Catholic: How does penance work?

Imagine a boy hits a baseball through the front window. He stammers an apology to his dad. “I forgive you, son,” Dad replies, as a tender smile breaks across his face. Dad turns slightly more serious: “But let’s talk about how to get this fixed."

Question of the Week: Who were the most powerful women in the Bible?

My answer is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, hands down.

Review: What “The Young Pope” Gets Right, and Wrong

"The Young Pope" is a new series chronicling the first days of Pope Pius XIII, an American and former Archbishop of New York who was shockingly elected at the young age of 48.

Ask A Catholic: Adam and Eve’s Nakedness

The story of the Fall in the Book of Genesis was never intended to be taken literally, the physical nudity of Adam and Eve likewise should not be the focus when one reads about it.

Ask A Catholic: How to go to Mass

Catholic Mass can seem daunting to someone who rarely attends, or who may be setting foot in a Catholic Church for the first time. But believe me when I say this — there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ask A Catholic: Mass is boring

I’d first offer that many of life’s most essential duties are boring -- changing the oil in your car, going to the dentist, cleaning the house -- and yet, our lives wouldn’t function to their fullest without such things. So, too is the practice of Catholics going to Mass.

Ask A Catholic: Will the Catholic Church unite against child rape?

To be sure, the Catholic Church as an institution has always been against the abuse of children -- against the unlove of anyone, really -- and always will be against it.

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