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Friday, March 21, 2025

Marj Johnston

Switch the question

Short answer in the form of a question

Even “the Lord’s Army” needs to lose their “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies

The Christmas season highlights opportunities to extend generosity as at no other time in a year. Numerous non-profit and not-for-profit agencies have faith values and mission statements that indicate how they carry out their work, and while such agencies often allude to a policy of non-discrimination, the agency’s core values and practices do in fact discriminate, specifically toward those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI).

Both my parents are of Protestant tradition but two different denominations

Both my parents are of Protestant tradition but two different denominations, a Methodist and a Baptist.

A Sunday poem

Jesus, come, heal her.
Crowds pushed in, still he walked and
one reached out, touching.

Coming out … Christian

Since June is Gay Pride Month in the U.S., I thought I'd come out. After all, it’s true that “coming out” is not a one-time experience.

Weight of words and actions

Over coffee in a local spot, a non-church going community member asked me if I’d seen the recent hate-filled preaching of one Pastor Charles L. Worley in North Carolina. I had to “confess” that I had (up to that point) chosen not to watch and listen to him, but I’d heard enough and read numerous Facebook comments from others.

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Must read