51.2 F
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Kurt Bubna

Kurt W. Bubna published his first book, "Epic Grace: Chronicles of a Recovering Idiot," with Tyndale in 2013. He has recently published "Mr. & Mrs.: How to Thrive in Perfectly Imperfect Marriage" and two other books. Bubna is an active blogger, itinerate speaker, regular radio and television personality, and the Senior Pastor of Eastpoint Church, a large non-denominational congregation in Spokane Valley, Wash. He and his wife, Laura, have been married for nearly 40 years and have four grown children and six grandchildren.

When the Lights Go Out

Negativity doesn’t create an environment of hope; it robs us of joy.

Do you have a big but?

Let’s face it, some of you have big buts (the one “t” variety, not the other).

The Church is Messed Up!

Once again, from my right-thinking-sound-doctrine-I’ve-got-it-all-figured-out position of superiority I thought, the church is messed up! And instantly I heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart, “This is my church.”

Growing old, but keeping a childlike faith

People worry about getting old. Americans spend billions of dollars every year doing whatever it takes to look younger.

Relational lessons learned the hard way

My dear wife was not happy with me! We had three small kids requiring three adults if the rug rats were going to get to ride the bumper cars. I gave her the look, “You really don’t have a choice.”

Why God messes with our mess

I woke up early this morning and powered up my computer. Before I pray, I like to see if there’s anything critical in my mailbox while I’m nursing my java and waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

Words matter

Why is it so easy to be negative? Why do we say hurtful things so often? We know, from firsthand experience, that sticks and stones may break our bones, but words do, in fact, also break us, and yet we say them anyhow.

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