39.9 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Karin Heller

Does God view a certain race as his holy people?

In Isaiah 61:9 it states, "Their race will be famous throughout the nations and their offspring throughout the peoples. All who see them will admit that they are a race whom YHWH has blessed."

Are there people who have better seats in heaven than others?

The question of evil is central in scripture just as is God's judgment. Jesus showed us a path to confront evil, but I'm not sure your friend wants to take that path. It's the narrow gate, while he wants to take the road that is wide and spacious (Matthew 7:13-14).

Why do we pray to stay in this sinful world?

We pray to stay in this sinful world because that’s what we know. We don’t really know who God is and if his kingdom really exists and so forth. We want to be secure. That’s why we have to learn to be God’s “nomad people” — we have to learn to move on in life and leave our securities and trust that God provides. This is a long learning process,which takes sometimes our entire life!

Are men better in certain areas of ministry while women are better in others?

Dear Dr. Heller, I was doing a little reading and began to think about the roles of women in leadership in the...

Is it enough to confront evil with prayer?

Bonjour Dr. Heller, I’ve been reflecting on our last lecture about overcoming evil in the world. This has prompted...

Is the Bible open to the perspective of the person reading it?

Dear Karin,  This class has prompted me to question many things about my faith and the things I have been taught to...

There’s more than one atonement theory?

Karin, During your talk in class last night I was very shocked to hear there were four major atonement theories:...

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