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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional who also writes as a conservative columnist for Examiner.com covering politics, crime, elections and social issues, and offers hard-hitting commentary at his blog, the Conservative Firing Line.  

Leftists attack Christian prayer in wake of Texas church shooting

Predictably, radical anti-gun – and apparently anti-Christian – leftists (since there really are Christians on the left, like Kirsten Powers) reacted with hate and rage, attacking the notion of prayer.

Historic: Mike Pence first vice president to address March for Life

On Friday, Mike Pence made history when he became the first vice president and the most senior administration official to address the March for Life, an annual event held in Washington, D.C. to mark the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, the controversial decision that made abortion legal in all 50 states.

How Donald Trump’s inauguration drove one conservative Christian veteran to tears

When Trump spoke at his inaugural, telling Americans that the election victory belonged to us and not him, I began to feel real hope for the first time in nearly a decade.

Opposing big government and other things liberals claim will send people to hell

Needless to say, I found nothing about the Clinton Foundation, Social Security or illegal immigration on the southern border. I did, however notice two things that could send one to hell; Rejecting Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord and Savior, and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Former GOP Rep. Tom Delay: Donald Trump insulted Christians with Liberty U. performance

In an op-ed posted Saturday at the Christian Post, former House Majority Leader Tom Delay, R-Texas, said GOP front-runner Donald Trump insulted Christians everywhere with his Jan. 18 performance at the predominantly-Christian Liberty University.

Franklin Graham takes stand in support of Trump’s moratorium on Muslim immigration

Politicians and pundits on both sides of the political aisle have soundly criticized Trump for his proposal. Additionally, others have weighed in with the obligatory calls to murder Trump and his supporters.

Memo: Hate won’t stop Christians from praying for victims of the San Bernardino shooting

I've seen the term “prayer shaming” thrown about, but this isn't “shaming,” it's hate – pure, unadulterated, blind, seething hate.

Must read