Dorothy-Ann Parent (better known as Hyphen) is a writer, a traditional Jew, a seeker of justice, a lover of stories and someone who’s best not left unattended in a bookshop or animal shelter.
The Star of David is a well-known symbol of Judaism. To wear or use one when one isn’t Jewish or isn’t in the active process of officially becoming Jewish is cultural appropriation. I’ve written in the past about this exact topic: Ask A Jew: Wearing the Star of David.
I would like our rabbis, staff, and volunteers to know we see you. We understand your confusion and struggle because we too have felt that. We don’t fault your exhaustion because we feel it too. We feel it in our bones, our hearts, our souls, our homes, and our families. We know you are trying your best to meet our spiritual needs and keep us safe and we appreciate that more than we can ever express.
I once read the declaration that every day is Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in Judaism because of the command to honor one’s parents. This, however, is an oversimplification.
At a Jewish wedding, typically at the end of the ceremony (although the timing varies in different communities), the groom stomps on a glass, the glass breaks, and everyone shouts, “Mazel tov.”
During Pesach (Passover), there are restrictions on grain (wheat, barley, spelt, oats, and rye), yeast, fermentation, and any items that have previously come in contact with those.