Art, says Ernesto Tinajero, comes from the border of what has come before and what is coming next. Tinajero uses his experience studying poetry and theology to write about the intersecting borders of art, poetry and religion.
Recently, there was a post on the smart grid and the possiblity of 'big brother' watching and controling our energy use. Big brother may not be watching as much as we think.
The argument goes like this: religion is dangerous to the poor because it works against population control. It is a prime reason for the population explosion.
The most revealing vision of Hell in art for me comes from an atheist. J P Sartre’s play, "Huis Clois" or "No Exit" premiered in May of 1944 just before the liberation of Paris.
My son is a toddler, as Jesus was once a toddler. He is on the cusp of being a little boy, just as Jesus once was at the cusp of being a little boy. Each time I am with my son, I am aware he makes me come into an encounter with the holy, into contact with Jesus and the divine.
Everyone had a story and we should learn and share with each other our story and hear others’ stories. The hope was that by providing a place of self-revelation bonds could formed and the Gospel shared.
A few years ago, a young mother posted some political points on her Facebook page. Other people from her church commented both negatively and positively and the whole exchange left the young mother so shaken she left the church. I did not find out what happened until weeks later when I asked if anyone had seen them. Since I really don't keep up with the large stream of information that goes through Facebook, I was uninformed. I missed them.