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Friday, February 21, 2025

Deb Conklin

Rev. Deb Conklin’s wheels are always turning. How can the church make the world a better place? How can it make Spokane better? Her passions are many, including social justice in the mainline tradition, emergence and the post-modern and missional church.

Soul mates aren’t found, they’re developed

I believe that the myth of finding one’s soul mate is at the heart of much that is going badly in our intimate relationships, particularly our ongoing tendency to get divorced.

Crimes, society and restorative justice

Crimes are society’s way of defining unacceptable behavior. Those behaviors that we choose not to tolerate we make criminal.

Hospital management should negotiate with their employees

Today I went on an early morning walk with workers at Valley Hospital as they went back to work after a 24-hour strike — only to be locked out by hospital management.

How much is enough?

One of the perennial quandaries for most people of faith is "How much is enough?" Most major world religions have some sort of message that ethical values include living simply, not working to amass large amounts of wealth, helping out those less well off or less able.

What the Bible says about Christians and money

It never ceases to amaze me the ways in which we Christians can and do ignore biblical teachings about money and wealth and rationalize our behaviors. It seems to me that the Bible is pretty clear on this subject.

The government doesn’t provide chaplains for all traditions

This is a more complicated question that it seems at first. If the question were, "Should the military provide chaplains for atheists?" the answer would be, "Of course, they have a constitutional and statutory duty to provide chaplains for all belief systems."

Cultivating a culture of niceness

I am increasingly concerned about two trends in our culture that may or may not be related. This blog is about the first trend — a trend of insisting that people be ‘nice’.  My next blog will address the second trend — incivility — and a possible relationship between the two.

I, personally, experience this demand for niceness mainly in two settings.

Must read