32.2 F
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Deb Conklin

Rev. Deb Conklin’s wheels are always turning. How can the church make the world a better place? How can it make Spokane better? Her passions are many, including social justice in the mainline tradition, emergence and the post-modern and missional church.

Trump will not be leader of “the free world”

This week on NPR someone referred to Trump as the soon to be 'leader of the free world.' I found this stunningly arrogant on so many levels.

The Consequences of Tolerating Incivility

This country has become increasingly uncivil, and uninformed.

Overzealous evangelists?

Fundamentalist Christians have for some time insisted that the decline in the traditional Mainline Churches – (United Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran (ELCA), to name a few – is due to the 'liberal' leanings of those churches; to our lack of commitment to biblical fundamentals.

The church should stand on political issues

However, the church, not only can, it should, take a stand on political issues: Civil rights, discrimination, how we treat the poor, homeless an hungry, and many other issues.

Must a feminist vote for Hillary Clinton?

The Presidential Primary race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is, allegedly, pitting women against women.

Consent Means Yes

Why is the woman the one on trial in rape cases?

Less Driven and More Drawn

I find I am asking myself, what would it look like, for me, to be less driven and more drawn?

Must read