37.7 F
Sunday, March 23, 2025

Charlie Byers

Listen to March’s Coffee Talk: Faith and the Democratic Process

Audio from March's Coffee Talk on faith and democracy is now available. Subscribe to our podcast via iTunes You can also read the panelists' full columns for...

A closer look at ‘44 percent of republicans’

What do the numbers really tell us?

What Fraggle Rock Wants You to Know About Racism

Last month, my wife and I welcomed our first child, Virginia. I imagine we’re experiencing a lot of things that all new parents do: a little less sleep, some new expertise in car seats and diaper-changes, and a lot more wonder at life itself.

Poverty is our Moon Landing: Finding our place in the story of inequality

I remember reading a newspaper article, when the space shuttle Endeavour was retired in 2011. The last leg of the shuttle’s final trip was a ride on oversize flatbed trucks to the California Science Center in Los Angeles

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