One Ray Bradbury story that has always stayed with me is “The Long Rain” from his book "The Illustrated Man." In the early 20th century astronomers saw Venus as a planet obscured by thick clouds.
That book was "De Rerum Natura," or "On the Nature of Things," by the ancient Roman writer Lucretius. It was a book of poetry, but also a work of science and philosophy.
Ginny Owens has always driven her own music, and in her latest album “Get In, I’m Driving,” she’s in the driver’s seat again. It actually came out in the Fall of 2011, but I missed it.
“Speed the Collapse,” the latest pre-release from Metric, drums a dire apocalyptic warning to an electro-pop beat. Images such as “distant lightning, thunderclaps,” and “oceans boiled and rivers bled” are combined with a full dramatic musical effect.
As a young electrical engineer just out of school, I had a horrifying experience that will color my theology forever. I went to work for one of the largest electrical companies in the world.
Science has achieved incredible results. We’ve probed deep within the atom. We’ve seen to the farthest reaches of the universe, and we’ve discovered drinking coffee will extend our lives.
This story goes back to Albert Einstein in 1905, called Einstein’s miracle year. In just that one single year, Einstein published four papers, any one of which would have made the career of any other scientist.