Editor's Note: Spokane Faith & Values has a new feature called “Ask An Atheist” where readers are invited to submit questions to atheist writer Jim Downard. Here's the ninth question that came in, and Downard's response.
Q. Why do you suppose those with a belief in God are so concerned by the fact that you don't?
A. As I don't suppose everyone who believes in a god (and remember there lots of ones to chose from) thinks much about people who don't, you are starting from a false assumption.
Certainly evangelical religions, such as Christianity and Islam, who are enjoined by their doctrines to spread the truth ought to be paying attention to the nonbeliever. Pondering why the nonbeliever (let alone atheist) fails to see their light would seem perfectly natural.
But many faiths that don't insist on converts (such as Sikhs) might give it very little thought.
Editor's Note: Spokane Faith & Values has a new feature called “Ask An Atheist” where readers are invited to submit questions to atheist writer Jim Downard. Here's the ninth question that came in, and Downard's response.