This is a poem by Ashely Bodey, a sophomore at North Central High School, writing about living in the West Central neighborhood.
I hear them cry.
I hear them yell.
I hear them say they’ll hurt them if they tell.
Look what alcohol did!
It took the life of another kid!
But daddy didn’t teach them wrong from right.
They just left children wondering if they were going to get tucked up in their covers at night.
Now weapons are being past amongst each other.
Instead of trying to help one another.
I see young kids running around the streets.
Trying to be like thugs and thieves.
A boy is buried in a grave,
As his mom prays,
I hate the drug dealer who did this to my son, please God don’t let them take another one.
Gang banging, dope slanging,
Crack smoking, and shooting up.
All trends of the community they say they can’t give it up.
They all turn to these things in need of comfort and love.
What they really need is some help from above.
Father, father help us
We need some guidance from your unfailing love.
Father, father help us
We need some guidance from your unfailing love.